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About Us

We are simply a couple who loves God, loves kids, loves people, and are dedicated to helping others achieve all that God has for them.  We truly believe that in order to change our country and our world, we have to strengthen our families. We have an extra special place in our hearts for foster and adoptive families. Having adopted nine kiddos of our own we understand the many challenges that come when you step in and fill that gap. There are challenges and joys that many will never have the opportunity to understand. 

We grew up in church and began pursuing our relationship in our late teens/early twenties. Right off the bat, we knew that we wanted to have a large family.  After talking and praying about it we definitely felt like adoption was something that God would like to use to build our family.  Once we were married we started pursuing our dream of adoption and started taking adoption licensing classes through our state. Our plans at that time were to adopt a sibling group of two or three and were only interested in adoption. But God used that process to stretch us.

We ended up getting pregnant before we could complete an adoption. God's timing is always best.  We had our daughter, and when she was six months old we went right back to the process.  We ended up adopting a sibling group of three. We went on to have several more biological kids, and then adopted another sibling group, bringing our grand total to seven biological and nine adopted children. Adoption and family are truly a passion of ours.  We have a heart for orphans and those left without capable parents. God's Word clearly calls us, the church, to be a father to the fatherless. Children are the key to changing our world. 

God has truly blessed us and given us the desires of our heart. This ministry is part of the God-given call we have on our lives. We hope that we can inspire others to pursue foster care and adoption. It’s a special calling and an adventurous journey to say the least, and we're excited to come along side families to help and support them, all while getting a front row seat to all that God will do through them! 

We are just a family following God and excited to help as many families as possible do the same thing. 

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